
About Abby Ridenour and Wild Raspberry Design Learn more

Abby Ridenour is a graphic designer based out of Chicago and is available for freelance opportunites worldwide. With a background in both fine arts and multimedia development, she brings both aesthetic sensibility and technical expertise to each project.
Abby's design philosophy is informed by a comprehensive end-user and audience awareness, which results in modern, user-friendly designs. Her approach ensures that websites and printed materials not only look great, but also serve the client’s strategic and business objectives.
Adobe Photoshop, % 95
Adobe Illustrator, % 75
Adobe InDesign, % 85
After Effects, % 50


Web Design

The ever-changing web may seem daunting, especially to small businesses. Change breeds new opportunities, however, which means you just need to know how to take advantage.

UX Design

Simply put, UX design changes the structure of interactive design so the user is at the top. This means designing your interface so your content gets in front of your target audience's eyes as quickly and smoothly as possible.

Concept Development

You may not know exactly what you need and that's alright. Maybe you have an objective and want help building the roadmap to get there. That's fantastic. Years of working with small businesses has prepared Abby to help you.

Brand Identity

Brand identity allows your company to present a united front. Everything representing your business should have a consistent appearance and message. That includes your website, logo, business cards, and print materials of course, but may also include much more.

Print Design

Print design is not dead, it's just more focused than ever. And because it is becoming more rare, print materials are becoming more effective. Just consider how many emails you don't read versus how many mailed items that you do.

Graphic Design

Abby sees designing as solving a problem. As a result, her approach to creativity is structured. She designs based on research of the industry, past campaigns, and your current goals. Her approach ensures that websites and printed materials not only look great, but also serve the client’s strategic and business objectives.